Installing Modmail

Installing Modmail on Windows


  1. Minimum 2 GB of RAM*
  2. At least 2 GB available disk space.
  3. Supported Windows version:
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 11

Note that while it is possible to run Modmail with even less memory, Windows 10 itself recommend at least 2GB (4GB for Windows 11). This guide assumes the lowest threshold to comfortably run Modmail without possibly running into any resource bottleneck.


We will be using the following dependencies:

  • Chocolatey
  • Python 3.11
  • Poetry

To install these dependencies, we will be using Powershell.

Search “powershell” in the Windows start menu, right-click on it and then click “Run as administrator”.

Then run each of the following commands:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco upgrade git --params "/GitOnlyOnPath /WindowsTerminal" -y
choco upgrade python311 -y

Update pip and install pipx with:

py -3.11 -m ensurepip --upgrade
py -3.11 pip install pipx

Re-launch your powershell and install Poetry with:

pipx install poetry


In any folder location of your choice, Shift+Right Click and click on Open PowerShell window here.

In your PowerShell window, run these commands to clone the official Modmail repository locally and cd into the folder:

git clone
cd modmail

Install the Python dependencies for Modmail with:

poetry install --no-root

Create a new file in the modmail folder named .env and paste in your environmental variables needed to run Modmail.


Lastly, in your PowerShell window simply enter the command below to run your Modmail bot:

poetry run python

If no error shows up, it means that your Modmail is now running correctly.

Set up auto-restart

Creating a batch file

Create a new text document anywhere you want to. This file will be used to launch the bot, so you may want to put it somewhere convenient, like Documents or Desktop.

Open that document in Notepad, and paste the following text in it:

poetry run python
ECHO Restarting Modmail...

Click "File", "Save as". Change the dropdown "Save as type" to "All Files (.)". Set the filename to start_modmail.bat, and click save.

There should now be a new file in the location you created the text document in. You can delete that text document as it is no longer needed. You can now use the start_modmail.bat batch file to launch Modmail by double clicking it. This script will automatically restart Modmail when when the bot shuts down abnormally.

Launch the bot on startup

Create a shortcut of your start_modmail.bat file.

Open the "Run" dialogue box using Windows Key + R.

Enter shell:startup if you want the bot to launch only when the current user logs in, or shell:common startup if you want the bot to launch when any user logs in.

Drag the shortcut into the folder that is opened. The bot will now launch on startup.